Case 1
Dr.S. K. Joshi,Dr.Jitender R Chintala Dr.Preetam B Patil,Dr.Muralidhar. K.
Clinical Details
50-year-old male presented with
Acute pain abdomen since 4 days
Fever with chills since 1 day
Previous medical history: surgery for renal calculi 18 yrs back.
On examination
Blood pressure: 150/90 mmHg
Pallor +
Other vital signs: normal
Local examination
Focal diffuse tenderness in the epigastric region
Severe guarding and rigidity
Scar in the right lumbar region
Laboratory Investigations
Hemoglobin -8.5g/dl
Total Leucocyte Count-10,900
Other Laboratory findings were unremarkable
Radiological Investigations
Chest and erect abdomen radiograph
No diagnostic abnormality
Ultrasound abdomen