Case 5
Dr.Ambika Gayad, Dr.Basavaraj Biradar
Dr. Radha
Radiological Findings, Disease course, and Management
Radiograph Of the Left Knee
AP Lateral
Bones reveal generalized decrease in density
Soft tissue density is noted in the lower third of shaft of femur causing elevation of fat planes
Metaphyseal irregularities with bony spurs oriented perpendicular to the long access of the shaft of femur and tibia (pelkan spurs) noted
Evidence of increased density in the peripheral margins of epiphysis - ring epiphysis.
Chest Radiograph
Prominent costochondral junctions noted at the anterior ends of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd ribs on the right side
Generalized osteopenia noted
No other abnormality was seen
High Resolution Ultrasound examination of Left Knee
Subperiosteal iso to hypoechoic collection sugestive of subperiosteal hematoma.
Metaphyseal irregularities with bony spurs.
No joint effusion
Patient was put on Tab Limcee ½ OD and Aloz drops 0.5ML
No follow up was available after the first visit
Scurvy is a disease caused by deficiency of Vitamin C
As a result there is failure in synthesis of collagen and formation of osteoid
This leads to osteoporosis and spontaneous bleeding
Onset 6mths to 2years. Rarely occurs in adults
Radiological Findings
Plain Radiographic findings
Generalized loss of bone density or osteopenia
Expansion of the costochondral junctions of the first 6 to 8 ribs
Findings marked in long bone metaphyses
Fractured or deformed
Metaphyseal lucency (Trummerfield zone)
Metaphyseal corner fractures (Pelkan spurs)
Cupping of metaphysis
Normal calcification in growing cartilage causing dense transverse bands Juxta epiphyseal (Frankels white line)
Around ossific centres of epiphysis (Wimberger's ring sign)
Subperiosteal hematoma appearing as soft tissue swelling or peri-osseous calcification
Ultrasound findings
Bony irregularity
Bulky subcutaneous plane
Subperiosteal hemorrhage
Intramedullary or Periosteal mass
MRI Findings
Areas of hemorrhage within bones at the site of fracture and in the periosteum
Diffuse marrow changes
Multifocal symmetrical signal abnormalities of affected metaphyses
Associated marrow enhancement
Differential Diagnosis
Congenital syphilis
Agarwal, A., Shaharyar, A., Kumar, A., Bhat, M. S., & Mishra, M. (2015). Scurvy in pediatric age group – A disease often forgotten? Retrieved June 15, 2016, from /PMC4411344/
Metabolic, Endocrine and Toxic Disorders. (n.d.). Retrieved June 15, 2016, from /diagnostic /Chapter7.pdf
Scurvy. (n.d.). Retrieved June 15, 2016, from http://www.orthopaedicsone .com/display/Main/Scurvy