Case 6
Dr.Aishwariya Sai Vegunta, Dr.S.K.Joshi
Dr.Preetam B. Patil, Dr. Muralidhar.K
Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis Of Knee
Radiological Findings, Disease course, and Management
Radiograph Of the Left Knee
AP Lateral
Gross soft-tissue swelling with supra patellar and knee joint effusion.
High Resolution Ultrasound of Left Knee Joint
Markedly thickened hypoechoic synovium with adhesions,
Supra patellar effusion
Joint effusion
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Left Knee
Large diffuse nodular synovial thickening in the knee joint and supra patellar bursa.
Thickened synovium appears hypointense on all sequences
Erosion is seen involving tibial articular surfaces and non articular surfaces of femoral condyles and patella
Moderate suprapatellar and knee joint effusion is seen surrounded by thickened synovial rinds of hemosiderin-laden tissue
MRI findings suggest diffuse intraarticular PVNS of left knee joint
Diffuse Intraarticular Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis of left knee joint
Patient underwent left knee synovectomy and arthrotomy
Hypertrophic synovial tissue with hemosiderin laden macrophages and multinucleated giant cells consistent with PVNS
Pigmented villonodular synovitis (PVNS) is a benign neoplastic process that may involve synovium of joint, bursa and tendon sheath
It is a locally aggressive, proliferative synovial tumor
The diagnosis is often delayed because complaints and symptoms are nonspecific
The diffuse intraarticular form of PVNS is monoarticular process and most frequently affects the large joints, with the knee involved in 66%–80% of cases
Synovium of the joint : diffuse or focal (PVNS)
Bursa (pigmented villonodular bursitis [PVNB])
Tendon sheath (pigmented villonodular tenosynovitis [PVNTS])
WHO Nomenclature
Dffuse intraarticular form of PVNS - Diffuse-type giant cell tumor
PVNTS or PVNB - Giant cell tumor of the tendon sheath (GCTTS)
Radiological Findings
Diffuse intraarticular PVNS
Plain Radiography
Joint effusion, soft tissue swelling, absence of calcification, extrinsic erosion of bone with rim of sclerosis, preservation of joint space, and normal bone mineralization.
Ultrasonography :
Joint effusion, complex heterogeneous echogenic masses, markedly thickened hypoechoic synovium & extrinsic erosion of underlying bone. Doppler imaging reveals increased blood flow
Computed tomography
Synovial thickening which is hyperdense relative to muscle due to hemosiderin, joint effusion, extrinsic erosion of bone on both sides of the joint & subchondral cyst formation
Prominent neovascularity
Three-phase bone scintigraphy
Increased radionuclide uptake in the blood flow and blood pool images than the activity seen on delayed images
Fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose position emission tomography (PET)
Hypermetabolic activity
Magnetic resonance imaging
Joint effusion surrounded by thickened synovial rinds of hemosiderin- laden tissue and heterogenous diffuse synovial thickening hypointense on all sequences
Low signal intensity also predominates on T2-weighted MR images, due to preferential shortening of T2 relaxation time caused by hemosiderin, an effect that is accentuated at higher field strength
The blooming effect on gradient-echo images caused by magnetic susceptibility artifact , which specifically signifies the presence of hemosiderin as the cause of low signal intensity, is nearly pathognomic of PVNS.
Differential Diagnosis on MRI
Synovial hemangioma (presence of serpentine vascular channels).
Hemophilic arthropathy (clinical history is suggestive)
Murphey et al. Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis with Radiologic-Pathologic Correlation. RadioGraphics 2008; 28:1493–1518.
Al-Nakshabandi NA, Ryan AG, Choudur H, et al. Pigmented villonodular synovitis. Clin Radiol 2004; 59:414–420.
Bravo SM, Winalski CS, Weissman BN. Pigmented villonodular synovitis. Radiol Clin North Am 1996; 34:311–326.
Hughes TH, Sartoris DJ, Schweitzer ME, Resnick DL. Pigmented villonodular synovitis: MRI characteristics. Skeletal Radiol 1995;24:7–12.
Jelinek JS, Kransdorf MJ, Utz JA, et al. Imaging of pigmented villonodular synovitis with emphasis on MR imaging. AJR Am J Roentgenol 1989;152: 337–342.
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