Case 8
Dr.Ambika Sunil Gayad,
Ruptured Corpus luteal cyst
Radiological Findings, Disease course, and Management
Radiograph of the Chest Radiograph of the Abdomen
(PA) (Erect)
Lung fields are clear No free air under diaphragm
Pleural spaces are clear No abnormal air fluid levels seen
Heart size within normal limits
Both the diaphragms appear normal
Pelvic Ultrasound (Transabdominal) .
Pelvis and right adnexa shows free fluid with internal echoes
Mixed echogenic collection is seen surrounding the right ovary which is partially visualized
Right adnexa shows a complex cyst with internal septations and echoes closely abutting the right ovary….hemorrhagic cyst
Color doppler study - Cyst and right ovary show increase in bloodflow
Uterus and left ovary – show normal morphology and color flow
Provisional Diagnosis
Complex right adnexal cyst with internal septations closely abutting the right ovary with significant intra-abdominal free fluid s/o hemoperitoneum
Possible differentials: Ruptured ovarian cyst / ruptured ectopic pregnancy.
Laparoscopic surgery was performed
Catheterisation of cyst wall done
Patient discharged once stable
Final Diagnosis
Ruptured right hemorrhagic corpus luteal cyst
Common cause of an emergency in women -acute pelvic pain
Bleeding into corpus luteum cyst - common cause of abrupt-onset lower abdominal pain in premenopausal women
Increased vascularity in the luteal phase can predispose to cyst rupture
Result- haemoperitoneum with increasing, diffuse abdominal pain and hypotension
Ultrasound-primary modality of choice
Multidetector CT (MDCT)- Fastest, readily available
Radiological Findings
Ultrasonography :
Varying appearances of corpus luteal cysts
Less than 3cm
Thick wall
Peripheral vascularity
Irregular contour if ruptured
Long standing cyst with hemorrhage within- fine lace like internal echopattern
If ruptured - complex adnexal mass with free fluid and increased echogenic areas s/o hemoperitoneum
Colour Doppler US
​May be no vascularity within the cyst or
May show low resistance blood flow around the cyst called the hypervascular ''ring of fire"
Ruptured cyst may show peripheral vascularity
Computed tomography ​​​
Cyst shows low attenuation values around 25 HU
Usually less than 3cm in size
Thick walls showing isoattenuation or hyperattenuation
Presence of free fluid
If ruptured
presence of high attenuation content and
fluid fluid hematocrit level
Round or oval adnexal lesion
T1 - homogeneously hypointense
T2 - hyperintense
T1 C+ (Gd) - intense wall enhancement may be seen
Haemorrhage within the cyst
Differential Diagnosis
At times difficult to differentiate from tubal ring in an ectopic pregnancy
In case of ruptured corpus luteal cyst, differential include
Ruptured ectopic pregnancy - evaluate serum Beta HCG levels
Ruptured ovarian cyst
Massimo, T. (n.d.). Haemoperitoneum from bleeding corpus luteum cyst. Retrieved June 28, 2016, from
Stanislavsky, A., & Skandan, A. (n.d.). Rupture of corpus luteal cyst | Radiology Reference Article | Retrieved June 28, 2016, from