Parathyroid Adenoma
Case 4
Dr.Ambika Sunil Gayad Dr. Susheel
Radiological Findings, Disease course, and Management
High Resolution Ultrasound examination of the neck
well-circumscribed, oval shaped hypoechoic lesion approximately measuring 12 x 6 mm with significant internal vascularity near the inferior pole of left lobe of thyroid gland
Thyroid gland shows coarse echotexture with diffuse increase in vascularity. No focal lesions seen in thyroid gland. No cystic lesions / micro-calcification seen
No evidence of enlarged cervical lymph nodes seen.
Coarse echotexture of thyroid gland with increased vascularity and a well-defined hypoechoic lesion near the inferior pole of left lobe of thyroid gland --- could represent Parathyroid adenoma
Nuclear Parathyroid study
Tracer uptake in the thyroid which washes away with time
Persistent focal tracer uptake in the lower pole of the left lobe of thyroid
Scan features are suggestive of a functioning parathyroid adenoma in the region of the lower pole of the left lobe of the thyroid
Parathyroid adenomas are benign tumours of the parathyroid glands
most common cause of primary hyperparathyroidism.
Patients present with primary hyperparathyroidism: elevated serum calcium levels and elevated serum parathyroid hormone levels resulting in multisystem effects like osteoporosis, renal calculi, constipation, peptic ulcers, mental changes, fatigue, and depression.
usually oval or bean-shaped, but larger adenomas can be multilobulated. The vast majority (up to 87% 2) of adenomas occur as solitary lesions.
Location: majority of parathyroid adenomas are juxtathyroid immediately posterior or inferior to the thyroid gland.
Superior gland parathyroid adenoma may fall posteriorly in the tracheo- oesophageal groove or para-oesophageal location or even fall inferior as far as the mediastinum. Up to 5% of parathyroid adenomas can occur in ectopic locations that include mediastinum, retropharygneal,carotid sheath, intrathyroidal
Serology: Parathyroid hormone levels are usually elevated (usual normal reference range 1.6-6.9 pmol/L or 10 to 55 pg/mL).
Imaging findings
homogeneously hypoechoic to the overlying thyroid gland with an echogenic thyroid capsule separating the thyroid and parathyroid
Doppler ultrasound
may show a characteristic extrathyroidal feeding vessel (typically a branch off the inferior thyroidal artery which enters the parathyroid gland at one of the poles
Internal vascularity has a peripheral distribution giving a characteristic arc or rim of vascularity
Nuclear medicine
useful for localising the lesion when the site is not known
Shows increased uptake with agents such as technetium (Tc) 99m Sestamibi (MIBI) (commonly used agent) and Tc-99m tetrofosmin.
4D-CT has emerged as valuable modality in minimally invasive parathyroidectomy a surgery that requires precise localization with anatomical detail and a confident diagnosis of parathyroid adenoma
Enhancement on 4D-CT
On 4D-CT parathyroid adenomas typically demonstrate intense enhancement on arterial phase, washout of contrast on delayed phase and low attenuation on non-contrast imaging 12.
Secondary signs include 14:
the polar vessel which represents an enlarged feeding artery or draining vein to the hypervascular parathyroid adenoma
a larger lesion size increases the confidence of diagnosis
parathyroid adenomas can also have cystic change
MRI is infrequently utilized in initial work up because of lower spatial resolution and artifacts. Adenomas can show variable signal intensity on MRI. Reported signal characteristics include:
typically intermediate to low signal
subacute haemorrhage can cause high signal intensity 6
fibrosis or old haemorrhage can cause low signal intensity 6
typically hyperintense
subacute haemorrhage can cause high signal intensity 6
fibrosis or old haemorrhage can cause low signal intensity 6
Since most lesions demonstrate high T2 signal intensity, the addition of contrast for MR scanning does not significantly increase detection.
Differential diagnosis
eccentric thyroid nodule
sequestered thyroid tissue
lymph node
Treatment and prognosis
Surgery is successful in treating primary hyperparathyroidism caused by parathyroid adenomas in 95-98% of cases
Weerakkody, Y. (n.d.). Parathyroid adenoma | Radiology Reference Article. Retrieved from https://radiopaedia.org/articles/parathyroid-adenoma