Case 5
Dr. Santosh Dasar
Dr. Arpita S
Clinical Details
35 year old female with c/o
mass per abdomen since 3 months, mass felt in the umbilical region
Pain abdomen since 1 month
fever since 1 week
Past h/o hysterectomy (4 years back)…details not available.
GPE: Normal
Systemic examination:
Soft , tenderness present over the umbilical region
bowel sounds present
6 x 5 cm mass felt over the infra-umbilicaql region
RS/CVS/CNS – No abnormality detected
Radiological Investigations
USG abdomen revealed complex bowel lesion seen in infra umbilical region with significant mesenteric fat stranding and mesenteric lymphadenopathy
Referred to the hospital for CECT abdomen and pelvis
CT Abdomen