Case 3
Dr. Ambika Gayad, Dr. Kiran
Clinical Details
A one and a half-year-old (18 months ) male child presented with h/o
lethargy and drowsiness since 1 day
running nose since 1 day
No h/o fever /vomiting.
On Examination:
Vitals : RR-40/min, HR-146 bpm, SpO2- 86%
S1 S2, heard, but shifted to right side
RS: Bilateral air entry equal.
CNS- arousable to painful stimuli
GCS- E2 V2 M4=8/15
Radiological Investigations
Chest Radiograph requested.
Initial Chest Radiograph
15 Sept 2015 14:34
Progressive abdominal distension and recurrent non-bilious vomiting
Vomitus blood tinged
Difficulty in passing the nasogastric tube into the stomach
Repeat Chest Radiograph
16 Sept 2015 09:55