Clinical details
A 2-year-old female child with
Global developmental delay and
Failure to thrive
presenting with h/o
Fever since 4 days
Swelling of left knee since 1 week
Past h/o perinatal anoxia
On Examination:
Child irritable
Semi-flexed posture of left leg
Swelling and tenderness over left knee
Systemic examination: No abnormality
Laboratory findings:
Alkaline Phosphatase -316 IU/L Ionised Calcium-4.67 mg/dl
Total calcium-8 mg/dl Magnesium-1.6 mEq/L
Phosphorous-4 mg/dl Potassium-3.81 mmol/L
Chloride-103 mEq/L Sodium-135 mEq/dl
Hemoglobin-13 gm% PCV-40.1 %
Peripheral Smear – Normocytic normochromic anemia with lymphopenia
Radiological Investigations
Radiograph of the Left Knee
AP Lateral
Case 5
Dr.Ambika Gayad, Dr.Basavaraj Biradar
Dr. Radha