Case 8
Dr.Ambika Sunil Gayad,
Clinical details
A 20-year-old married woman presenting with h/o
Pain in lower abdomen since 1day
Vomiting since 1 day
Menstrual History
LMP : 31/01/16(25 days ago)
Regular menstrual cycles.
Nulliparous married for a year and a half
Systemic Examination
Perabdomen: soft , non tender
Perspeculum: Vagina and cervix healthy. No PV discharge
Pervaginal examination:
Uterus – anteverted, mobile, cervical motion tenderness +
Right fornix: cystic mass felt, tenderness present in the right fornix
Laboratory findings
Urine pregnancy test- Negative
Serum beta HCG- negative(<2 mIU/ml)
AFP- 122.4 (NR: 0.8-10)
CA 125- 42.2 (NR: 0-350)
Radiological Investigations
Radiograph of the Chest Radiograph of the Abdomen
(PA) ( Erect)
Pelvic Ultrasound (Transabdominal)